Monday, September 8, 2008

Chapter One: Short Answer Blog

Name two advances or developments that have occurred in technology since the 1970s that you feel have had significant effects on education, and explain why these technological changes had such effects.

Two advances that I feel have had a significant effect on education are the development of the microcomputer and the and the internet
The development of the microcomputer helped make access to information to all students easier. If a teacher had a learning program that he or she wanted the students to use, the teacher may send the program home with the students since computers in the home were becoming more and more common since the microcomputer was developed. However, if the student did not have a computer at home, it was easy for the school to have computers since they were smaller and more compact.
The internet helped advance education in many ways. With the internet it became much easier to get in contact with other people (through instant messaging and email). It also became easier to research items through the world wide web. This made life more convenient for both students and teachers because they would not have to go to a library to look up information every time they needed to find something out. Today, teachers can have students take electronic tests, similar to this one, and it can be immediately scored and sent to the professor. These electronic tests take away the grading time that a teacher would have to do and it adds class time because students don't have to waste an hour of class time to complete an in-class test. There are many ways that the internet have helped education, these are just a few. Years down the road, I feel that the internet will be even more advanced and will be able to help education even more than it does today.

Answers may include: Microcomputers, increased portability of computers, the World Wide Web, or networking. These advances have all made computers and information more widely available.


Discuss one emerging trend in technology and the effect it could have on classrooms and schools.

One emerging trend in technology is wireless connectivity. I feel that this could have a great effect and a negative effect on classrooms and schools.
The good thing about having wireless connectivity is that students can bring their laptop to class and research the web, do assignments, take notes, and follow along with their instructor while they are in class This would benefit the classroom because the students would have more resources than just the teacher lecturing about a certain topic. The student may find a video that is relative to the topic on the web and may find that it is very helpful to understanding the topic.
However, having wireless connection could be a bad thing because it may distract students in the classroom. If a student brings his or her laptop to class he or she may not be able to resist the urge to check his or her email, facebook, myspace, or any other website that he or she should not be looking at the time. This would cause more behavioral problems among the students, and require that the teacher "babysit" more often, which would be a nuisance to the teacher.

Answers may include: Radio frequency identification, wireless connectivity, merging of technologies, portable devices, high-speed communication, virtual reality, or artificial intelligence. These technologies make learning environments more flexible and adaptable, provide learning options through distance education, and support learners with disabilities.


Explain reasons for developing an electronic portfolio.

Electronic portfolios allow people to see your work, rather than just hear about it. It is very easy for people to access your work, and everything can be found in one area, rather than in multiple pages of a binder. People are able to look at your portfolio more freely and in their leisure time. To make access to your portfolio even easier you can attach the URL to the bottom of each e-mail that way anyone who wants to can look at your use of technology skills through the URL.
It's beneficial to have an online portfolio because then you never have to worry about it getting damaged or lost. The portfolio also will not take up space, that way you don't have to put it in a box somewhere, which you never remember the exact location.
Employers are beginning to use electronic portfolios as a way to asses a future employee, so it's in ones best interest to start an electronic portfolio as soon as possible. You can also blow your employers mind away with your technology skills that he or she may find in your portfolio.

Answers may include: Documentation of skills and learning for self and others, demonstration of accomplishment.

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